Diesel gensets require constant monitoring to ensure proper usage and detection of impending faults and timely maintenance. By interfacing with genset controller , sensors and power meters, critical parameters and faults are gathered and transported to Internet server through GPRS technology. This completely avoids manual visits to DG sites to find out the problems for failure. It also helps the service provider to send the right personnel to attend to the problem.
It also helps to know in what intervals these services are required and what service technicians need to do when they arrive on site. This reduces maintenance and support costs of Diesel generators, while enhancing the service levels, thus improving margins of maintenance service provider.
Fuel Pilferage Detection– The system automatically detects addition of fuel and alerts when there is unusual sudden drop in Fuel levels – indicating Pilferage.
Remote monitoring – Two-way communication allows systems to be accessed on site without a service technician being present. System configurations can be changed or reset to their original state.
Remote ON/OFF – The DG sets can be remotely switched ON/OFF from a browser.
Monitoring Performance – OEMs can easily track and analyze the life cycles of machines and can use data on how customers actually use a product to develop ideas for new product features.
Flexible and affordable – No matter where DG is installed, it is easy to install GPRS based remote monitoring system.